Happy to share about Craniosacral Therapy

Posted date: 14.01.2014

Hi Friends,

I am happy to announce the launch of this site on Craniosacral Therapy. In this section, I will be sharing some information about this wonderful modality that orients to health. In addition to that I would love to share insights and knowledge about the issues we face in our everyday life and usually shove them under the carpet. There will be a section on the homepage which will feature interesting videos and news snippets that might be of interest for us all.

I will try to be on this blog every couple of days to share things happening in the world of healing, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy or even telling about my journey and experiences while practising this beautiful, gentle work.

Right now, I am in the middle of assisting in the BCST Foundation Training held in Mumbai, which is organised by my colleague and friend Zia Nath of Quanta Health Care Solutions and it is being taught by Bhadrena C.Tschumi Gemin & Kavi Gemin of International Institute of Craniosacral Balancing, Switzerland. And today, we looked at some gorgeous representations & models done by students of the cranial bones of the cranial base. It was so lovely to see the interest and sincerity of the group, the way they had put all their intention and hard work into that was really touching and commendable.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the site, the sharing and the information presented on this site.

Best to you,
Angelina Richa

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